Christian Rose wrote On 08/09/06 10:14,:

>On 8/7/06, Young Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Sun Globalization has a group of QA engineers who test localized Gnome.

>>My question is, whether it will be acceptable to the communities if we
>>enter translation bugs in Bugzilla. We would like to contribute to the
>>l10n community by providing our QA while we don't have individuals who
>>can discuss the bugs for all the languages we test in the respective
>>language communities at this time.
>I think it would be excellent if you could provide such feedback via
> We've set up the language components in the l10n
>product exactly for this purpose; to allow for a unified and coherent
>way of entering translation bugs, regardless of language. As all
>language groups are supposed to deal with any bugs for their language
>that may get submitted through, I see no problem at
>all with this approach.

That's great. I wanted to check with the community first that entering 
translation bugs in Bugzilla was okay. We'll do that.


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