On 7/25/07, Nacho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI,
> I am working on Gtranslator and i am integration new features.
> But if you want a better transator editor, i think is a good idea open
> a threath to discuss what do you want in gtranslator 2.0.
> Yesterday i finished gucharmap integration, and today i am finishing
> gdict integration. When i have more time i will try to finish plural forms
> support. (I think gtranslator needs a plugins system like gedit but this
> requires python support and i don't know anything about python).

I'm big fan of emacs po-mode. I really like the way it shows the raw
file for experienced users but just allows editing it through panes,
which is what newbies seem to seek.

Something else that makes my job go incredibly fast are the keyboard
shortcuts, like 'u' to go to next unstranlated and 'N' to go to
previous one. And so for [t | T], [f | F] and [n | p] to go to next
and previous string, whatever it is.

I'd like to see such productivity features on Gtranslator. And don't
forget TM. Without a TM system a translation tool is really just a
fancy toy.

Raphael Higino
gnome-i18n mailing list

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