Le lundi 14 avril 2008 à 08:32 +0430, Mohammad Foroughi a écrit :
> Hi,
>  You can see Sharif Linux's persian translation here:
> http://www.farsiweb.ir/wiki/Image:Application_Menu.png
>  And there is current translation of ubuntu 8.04 here:
> http://417.ir/ubuntu-8.04.jpg
>  Did you noticed the difference? Even non iranian readers can see the
> difference! Their is lots of english labels in the ubuntu 8.04
> translation.
>  Why their translation in their *commercial* linux is completely
> different from ubuntu? I know the answer: because they do not distribute
> their translation to your svn!
>  I just want to start a NEW TEAM, and do my contribution to persian
> translation. 
>  They did not update their translation from 2 years ago, even if they
> decide to start working after 2 years they can. I just want to start a
> new team (not to stop their team!).
>  Please ask Mr. Poornader: why their linux's translation is completely
> different from ubuntu's translation>

OK, the accusation is now clear. So please, Roozbeh, we'd be interested
to know your defence :-)

It seems effectively that Farsi translations have not been active during
the last two years. Are you still interested to contribute? Or should we
transfer the leadership to more motivated translators?

Meanwhile, Mohammad, you can already begin to translate, and join your
po files to bug reports (l10n product, Farsi component).



> On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 18:52 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> > Mostafa Daneshvar wrote:
> > > On Yek-shanbe 25 Farvardin 1387 17:59:14 Andre Klapper wrote:
> > >   
> > >> hi mohammad,
> > >>
> > >> Am Sonntag, den 13.04.2008, 17:06 +0430 schrieb Mohammad Foroughi:
> > >>     
> > >>>  I want to start a new translation team for Persian language. You me say
> > >>> that there is already a team for persian, yes I know thatm bust it is
> > >>> about 2 years that the old team did not act any usefull action. If you
> > >>> take a look at their web site (http://www.farsiweb.ir/wiki/Main_Page),
> > >>> just at the very buttom of the page, you can see that it's last update
> > >>> is: October 2006!
> > >>>       
> > >> did you contact the iranian team leader already by email (see
> > >> http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/fa/ )?
> > >> the gnome translation project prefers such problems to be discussed and
> > >> solved within the language teams themselves if possible, but of course
> > >> that's not possible if you don't receive an answer from them... :-)
> > >>
> > >> andre
> > >>     
> > >
> > > Dear Mohammad,
> > > If you've made some Persian translation, you can ask other members to 
> > > commit 
> > > them for you. 
> > >   
> > What Andre wrote is the correct way to go forward. Contact the current 
> > maintainer for the language, and ask your questions. To assume what the 
> > answer will be and what not, is plain silly.
> > 
> > Simos

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