> Hello,
> Not all in CDAC  are aware of the ways open source communities work.
> So some need to be treated with some amount of patience and gumption.
> Nevertheless we can make a fresh start now and let me get some guys
> from BOSS team on this along with making the translations available
> again :-) (I guess they took it offline cos of this thread).
> This thread needed a logical ending and so is marked to Gnome list as well.

My feeling about this is that an in-person meeting would be a good way
to make a progress on these issues.

Couldn't foss.in be a very good opportunity to do it?

I would have loved to try helping there, as facilitator or whatever
(I'm not involved in both "parties", at least directly) but I won't
unfortunately be there, even though I enjoyed the event a lot last

But I would urge you people to think about it and try arranging a
common working session, or discussion (maybe a public BOF is not a
great idea because of the lot of grieves that have raised recently).

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