Em Qui, 2009-01-08 às 00:23 +0100, Axel Hecht escreveu:
> Jumping in to this discussion at some random point:
> I think that DVCSes can add value to localizers. In particular for
> projects that have in-development l10n, but probably for other
> projects, too.
> The main value a DVCS gives to localizers is coming from exposing the
> history of the original language, though. I can see good value in
> exposing localizable strings to the localizer in changesets as they
> were added to the original language, as they're likely going to belong
> to the same context. So while going through a file of localizable
> strings from top to bottom, you would have to go through several
> context switches, going through the localizable strings patch-wise
> might come with less contex switches.
> That of course is more of a job and an opportunity for translation
> tools than anything else.

At least with GNU Gettext, running msgmerge will move translations from
one line to another without hesitation, and automatic comments are
always there to add noive to diffs. If any dcvs can work around this
adversities, I'll defend its adoption. Today, if I need to read a diff
between message catalogs, I run "msgcat file.po -o file.po" (because
some translators use poEdit), then msgmerge between both of them and the
same POT, or usually between the oldest and the newest (from DL), and
only then I can get a readable diff.

Leonardo Fontenelle

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