On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:32 PM, Leonardo F. Fontenelle
<leonar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Em Qui, 2009-01-08 às 00:23 +0100, Axel Hecht escreveu:
>> Jumping in to this discussion at some random point:
>> I think that DVCSes can add value to localizers. In particular for
>> projects that have in-development l10n, but probably for other
>> projects, too.
>> The main value a DVCS gives to localizers is coming from exposing the
>> history of the original language, though. I can see good value in
>> exposing localizable strings to the localizer in changesets as they
>> were added to the original language, as they're likely going to belong
>> to the same context. So while going through a file of localizable
>> strings from top to bottom, you would have to go through several
>> context switches, going through the localizable strings patch-wise
>> might come with less contex switches.
>> That of course is more of a job and an opportunity for translation
>> tools than anything else.
> At least with GNU Gettext, running msgmerge will move translations from
> one line to another without hesitation, and automatic comments are
> always there to add noive to diffs. If any dcvs can work around this
> adversities, I'll defend its adoption. Today, if I need to read a diff
> between message catalogs, I run "msgcat file.po -o file.po" (because
> some translators use poEdit), then msgmerge between both of them and the
> same POT, or usually between the oldest and the newest (from DL), and
> only then I can get a readable diff.

Off-topic, po-diff related.
There is podiff that allows to diff two po files.

It produces output that looks like

Modified Message:
    'Iagno Manual V2.8'
    'Τεκμηρίωση του Ιάγνος, έκδοση 2.7'
    'Τεκμηρίωση του Ιάγνος, έκδοση 2.8'

Available from

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