Simos Xenitellis ha scritto:

In practice the space difference is not significant. We should be able to have
real statistics on this soon, so that we can have a proper guideline on
shallow clones.

That would be interesting, at least to have an idea of what to expect.

AFAIK, the standing issue is the creation of a generic account that
damned-lies will
use when committing on behalf of the translators.

I asked 'cause I hoped something had changed in that front since last time...

There Accounts team is understaffed and several requests take long to
be fulfilled.
There was a call for volunteers recently and actually it would be great to have
a GNOME translator on this team to push forward the translator requests.

I would be happy to lend a hand... how is that suppose to work?

Milo Casagrande <>
gnome-i18n mailing list

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