On 4/17/09, Simos Xenitellis <simos.li...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>  There Accounts team is understaffed and several requests take long to
>  be fulfilled.

In general, only those with missing/erroneous/incorrectly filled in
data. Or requests regarding teams with coordinators that forgot their
Mango passwords (http://live.gnome.org/MangoFAQ).

A correctly filled in Mango account request, for a team where the team
coordinator remembers their Mango password, should not take more than
1-2 weeks to resolve, at the most. Mostly because I only have time to
do GNOME work on spare time on weekends :-(

>  There was a call for volunteers recently and actually it would be great to 
> have
>  a GNOME translator on this team to push forward the translator requests.

Don't I count?

But more help is very welcome. I started out helping with accounts
many years ago because I wanted to do exactly that; help resolve as
many translator account requests in a speedy manner as I could.
Nowadays, there's essentially just me doing almost *all* account work
for all of GNOME. :-(

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