2009/4/17 Kalle Vahlman <kalle.vahl...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/4/17 Luca Ferretti <elle....@libero.it>:
>> I hope there is a more simple way to do this. This seems a nonsense to
>> me: create a new local branch in order to commit+push on an existing
>> branch on server...
> Uh, so assuming this comment is in reference to the way SVN works, how
> did you commit to a branch without creating a local working copy in
> SVN?

Oh, no, my comment was in reference to the way MY MIND works ;)

I mean, my mind expects something like those (fake) commands:
  $ dcvs clone module
  $ cd module
  $ dvcs where-i-am
  branch: master
  $ dvcs switch revision-2-26
  $ dvcs where-i-am
  branch: revision-2-26

In my mind a new local branch should be creaed only if you plan to
work on a large feature, not just to "commit" a small change or
existing patch.

But of course this is my own vision of DVCS.
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