În data de Ma, 23-02-2010 la 03:32 +0200, Debarshi Ray a scris:
> We decided to stick to transifex.net for the moment. If you are
> interested in translating Solang, please head over to:
> https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/solang/c/master/

Can we still use l10n.gnome.org for translating Solang?
The subject is confusing ... i guess it should be „Using other
translation workflow for one module”:)

I think the freedom of choice is important, but in the same time we
should consider translations quality and the level of reading/background
knowledge for person that we would like to help with translations.

Also, it would be nice to have a single communication channel for
translations. I am not sure if we can bridge notification from all
translations system.

If we accept Transifex, we should expect to see projects using other
systems ... each system with its own communication methods and each
system with it's own translation teams. 

At least for Romanian translations, we have some non-technical
translators which are always turned down by the amount of wiki pages
they hate to read, command line tools they have to use, mailinglists
they have to subscribe and user account they have to create.

Are Transifex teams synced with GNOME translations teams?
Can we (translators) use the same peer review as in l10n.gnome.org?
I am not sure we have the required documentation for Transifex at:

What are the advantages of using Transifex as a translation platform for
If Transifex offers advantage for GNOME, maybe we should share/document
those advantages so other translators are aware of them and use them.

Kindest regards,

Adi Roiban

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