On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Khaled Hosny <khaledho...@eglug.org> wrote:
>> Damned Lies: contributors have to register with DL and then ask to be
>> added to a "team" in order to use the web interface to reserve a
>> package for translation. All the work is done offline and then
>> uploaded back to a "holder area" where committers (i.e. those who have
>> a git account on git.gnome.org) have to manually do their review,
>> clone, merge, and push back to the repository. However, nothing stops
>> anyone from cloning the git repository, doing their work offline and
>> submitting it back via bugzilla.
> As a translation coordinator, I never know that people are allowed to
> submit translations to bugzilla that goes into the tree without language
> coordinator approval, so the fore mentioned scenario is unlikely to
> happen, and if it did (like when some one imported translations from
> launchpad without language coordinators approval), it'll be reverted
> back. We have l10n teams for a purpose, you know.

Poor choice of the word "submit" their from my part. I meant the issue
can be created in bugzilla and the translation can then be "attached".
I should have been a bit more explicit about the part where someone
has to review and manually commit the work.

Og B. Maciel


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