Hi all,

I've been developing a small bash script to help me with some git tasks,
such as updating all my downloaded git clones, deleting all branches and,
the most important, commiting automatically PO files from the GUI (not

Well, at this momment, I'm working with the PO filenames to know where I
have to copy the PO file (i.e., anjuta.master.es.po must be copied in
anjuta/po/es.po). This is relatively easy, since GUI files are always
(unless a ver few exceptions) in the module/po folder, but this rule can't
be applied with documentation PO files (in the case of Anjuta, PO file is
located in anjuta/manuals/anjuta-manual).

I've been talking with with Claude about the possibility to add a header
(maybe «X-Location»?) to PO files (both GUI and doc ones) containing the
folder in which the PO file is located, so I can easily parse it with my
script, simplifying it and ensuring I'm copying the PO file in the properly
location. This header could be added automatically by DL to PO files, and
as a PO file header, should not affect translations nor translators.

We wolud like to ask teams coordinators If you agree adding this header to
PO files. Note that this header can be used out of the script, for example,
if you don't remember where libgda or anjuta's documentations are located.

Of course, If anybody wants to take a look into (or use) the script, just
tell me and I'll send you a copy of it. I'm using it and works properly (I
still have not broken git with it ;-) )

Many thanks to all
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