Just a quick comment from me leading Serbian translation team. I think it
is much better to have Weblite like system with possibility to translate a
few string from time to time, than all the complicated workflow with
downloading po files. It is also very straightforward for reviewers, and I
have seen it in numerous other projects (including LibreOffoce that has
adopted such solution recently).

The options are to get some good solution to get this job done or to
improve DL to allow direct online translation. I believe the second option
is also not hard to accomplish.


уто, 23. јун 2020. 18:21 Alexandre Franke <afra...@gnome.org> је написао/ла:

> Hi,
> This conversation (and the other one) is quite high high traffic which
> explains the lack of an earlier response from me and other i18n
> coordinators. That and the lack of motivation to argue one more time
> about this topic when, as someone mentioned already, this was already
> discussed (which also makes the “lack of love” comment difficult to
> accept).
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:09 PM Baurzhan Muftakhidinov via gnome-i18n
> <gnome-i18n@gnome.org> wrote:
> > IMHO the Weblate's translation workflow is simpler than DL's.
> > While DL operates on PO file level, Weblate operates on individual
> messages,
> > which effectively makes several stages from DL workflow unnecessary.
> This is the heart of the problem. What you describe as unnecessary is
> the strength of the platform and what we are fighting to keep. That
> “simpler workflow” leads to a significant decrease in quality and a
> significant increase in coordinator workload. Our defense of our
> current high standards is us actually showing our love of GNOME
> translations.
> Before you make any comment about the lack of love, or how you’re +1
> for tool X because it makes you save a few minutes here and there and
> might make you gain a few strings from random contributors, please
> think this through and maybe try to understand the position of those
> in charge.
> I’ll have to interject as well regarding “plans” and asking stuff from
> the sysadmins. While Emmanuele is correct in a general sense, we still
> have a team of coordinators and not moving to another platform should
> not be mistaken for a lack of plan or decision: it is a conscious
> decision. If someone wants to improve things, a proposal is welcome.
> Moving to X (which seems to be Weblate these days) is not a plan, it
> is a request and we disagree with it.
> --
> Alexandre Franke
> GNOME i18n coordinator
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