That sounds like a very temporary solution.
What happens if the lower-left corner is needed as an active corner as
well, say to open a files/history/places left overlay column?
Corners are precious targets, should the shell lose one to a button of
questionable importance, the placement of which depends on the toolkit
theming and the window content?
After all, you can already left or middle click the scrollbar, drag
it, mousewheel it. On a touch screen there will be inertial scrolling
gestures, and for a11y the small arrow button is certainly not that

What _is_ bad is the surprise/unexpected behaviour factor: the user
maximizes a window, slams the pointer to access the window UI and is
startled by the appearance of the tray. Geesh, I know about the tray
and it happens to me quite often...
The way I see it, there should be a small black, faded overlay in the
corner, where the count of unseen notifications goes, if any. Thus the
user wouldn't be surprised by the opening of the tray and wouldn't
slam the pointer to access any ui elements of a maximized window.

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:36 AM, David Prieto <> wrote:
> Koppányi,
>> this is a neat idea, but as before, i strongly suggest to move the whole
>> notification bar orientation to the left side of the screen, so that iw
>> ouldn't conflict with the scrollbars of fullscreen windows. the button to
>> scroll down is hard to hit already since it's so close to the hot-corner,
>> not to mention if it was overlayed by some graphics. the bottom-left corner
>> is unused in most of he application) in fact, i don't know any that use it),
>> so would be a perfect place.
> That makes a lot of sense. Would there be any downsides to placing
> notifications on the bottom-left corner?

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