On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Denys Vlasenko <dvlas...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-05-05 at 10:08 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> > On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Denys Vlasenko <dvlas...@redhat.com>
> > wrote:
> >         Is it a policy of Gnome Desktop to shoehorn users into fixed
> >         UI style
> >         instead of offering them reasonable choice? What next,
> >         hardwired window
> >         title color and size?
> >
> > There is no policy as such.  As I said earlier, why not try it first
> > and see how it works before criticizing the design?
> >
> > I'm a systems administrator I have a ton of windows open, I used to
> > use the taskbar, and I don' and it's been okay for me.  While
> > something was taken away,
> Why something has to be taken away? I mean, unconditionally?
> There is a better way: (a) make it configurable, (b) make it
> "off" by default. If almost no one switches it back on, great,
> it means practice proved that the replacement is better,
> and it can be removed altogether.
> If many people switch it back on, then perhaps it needs to stay.
The default configuration is bare.. it's been like that even with GNOME 2.
Your distro puts a bunch of stuff in there to enhance the experience.  It's
relatively the same with GNOME 3.

As someone mentioned earlier, there are extensions that can put a taskbar on
your screen or you can use any number of third party apps like Docky or AWN
that can give you similar features.  My GNOME 3 setup still runs docky
because there are some things that GNOME 3 doesn't provide that I require.
You're not going to get the perfect desktop from just the default setup.  A
combination of extensions, and third party apps and I'm a happy camper.

So somethings that you might be taken away, in favour of something better.
However, there are applications, extensions, a tweak tool will put back most
of the experience back.

The point though is that you should try it for a week as is.  You might
learn something.  If there is something you're missing then discuss it here.

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