On 28/08/11 21:19, Henry Jensen wrote:
> Hi Quiliro,
> On Sun, 28 Aug 2011 12:11:51 -0500
> Quiliro Ordóñez <quil...@congresolibre.org> wrote:
>> Richard said he is discussing this issue with FSFE. FSF does not support 
>> that position. In fact, FSF regards opensource software as something 
>> good but the opensource ideas as bad. It sounds contradictory but it 
>> isn't because some of what they do agrees with what we do but not all so 
>> the terms are not interchangeable.
> Maybe things are a little different in America, but here in Europe the
> terms are indeed interchangeable. Here is no such thing like a distinct
> "open source movement". I never met an "open source activist" who said
> "I am pro open source, but against free software" or vice versa.
> Meanwhile I read about the history of the term "open source",
> foundation of the OSI and the "schism" between "open source" and "free
> software". Indeed I think, that this was a local american issue. It had
> no effect here, because at the time it happended there was
> practically no free software community in existence over here.

I am in the UK and I understand the difference so it isn't only America.
And I am fairly sure that LibrePlanet Italia understands the difference
http://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanetItalia . The terms are only
interchangeable by people/groups who don't understand or want to
purposefully confuse them. Have a (re-)read of the following:

http://opensource.org/history (particular the bit which says "dump the

Chair of Manchester Free Software.

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