On 06/09/11 13:23, Henry Jensen wrote:
On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 11:36:23 -0500
Quiliro Ordóñez<quil...@congresolibre.org>  wrote:

I suggest you regard official FSFE's positions from their website in:
And disregard previous statements from FSFE officers that present very
different positions from those.
I don't see different positions between those documents and the
previous statements. The FSFE says (from

"The goal was to seek fast commercialisation of Free Software and
acceptance of Free Software by the companies and venture capitalists of
the booming new economy. As a means to this end, they made a conscious
decision to leave aside all long-term issues (such as philosophy,
ethics and social effects) related to Free Software, feeling these
posed obstacles in the way of rapid acceptance by economy. They
proposed to focus on technical advantages only

Often used in good faith by people who refer to what Free Software
stands for, the term "Open Source" - originally defined to mean the
same thing as Free Software in terms of licenses and implementation -
has seen inflationary usage. "

This is exactly what FSFE representatives are telling.

No. The previous expressions said there was no diference between opensource and the Free Software movement. This expresses they are diferent.

Now the "FSF version" from

"In 1998, a part of the free software community splintered off and
began campaigning in the name of “open source.” The term was originally
proposed to avoid a possible misunderstanding of the term “free
software,” but it soon became associated with philosophical views quite
different from those of the free software movement.

Some of the supporters of open source considered the term a “marketing
campaign for free software,” which would appeal to business executives
by highlighting the software's practical benefits, while not raising
issues of right and wrong that they might not like to hear. Other
supporters flatly rejected the free software movement's ethical and
social values."

I hope you notice the difference between those views. FSFE says, open
source supporters made a tactical decision to leave aside ethical
values. FSF says they rejected the ethical values. There is a
difference between "leaving aside" (meaning: you don't say, but you
still agree silently with a view) and "reject" (meaning: you are
opposed to a view).

If you leave aside an ethical position, you are rejecting its value. It is just a diplomatic way of saying the same thing.

Additionally FSFE says that "open Source" is "often
used in good faith(!) by people who refer to what Free Software stands
Yes. Some people defend freedom but use the term opensource because they have not understood what opensource implies. Nevertheless, you can quickly find if they defend freedom or not by asking them if they think they should avoid a technically good software because its license is restrictive.

As a consequence FSFE says: We think, that people who use the term
"open source" are most likely can be "converted" to be free software
supporters, because they are just using the wrong term and don't know
enough about the ethical values.

This is possible but seldom true.

I did not find that text on fsfe.org. Will you please cite the source? Are you citing expressions made in this list or elsewhere by FSFE officials?

FSF says: We gave up on "open source" supporters, because they reject
our ideas and have very different ideas.

It is equally my experience. Most people that have come to free software for the technical values do not value freedom. Most people that have come to free software for the ethical values don't mind to give up functionality in exchange for freedom. It is better to search for supporters that value freedom rather than functionality. We could find supporters among people that value functionality but they would most likely be less. It is better to put our work to something that produces better results.

Quiliro Ordóñez
09 821 8696
02 340 1517

"No se puede sacrificar la libertad por ningún bien, por ninguna promesa de pan o de paz o de justicia, porque ese pan tendría amargura de veneno, esa paz sería de muerte, y esa justicia no sería justicia humana ni tendría sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

"Não se pode sacrificar a liberdade por nenhum bem, por nenhuma promessa de pan ou de paz ou de justiça, porque esse pan teria amargura de veneno, essa paz seria de morte, e essa justiça não seria justiça humana nem faria sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

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