On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 01:12:39 +0200 Denis wrote:
> A way forward could be to propose some modifications to the FSDG here,
> in this mailing list, and to try to see if the proposal is a good or
> bad idea, to try to improve it if it makes sense, etc.
> What do you think of this approach?

im all for that - i have a few ready to propose already

WRT, the self-hosting criteria (in the sense of "the distro
must be able to compile itself"), i would relax that constraint
generally - change it more like:

> the distro must provide everything needed to compile itself entirely
> from scratch, and that must be possible to accomplish using at
> least one of the already-endorsed systems.
> if the distro is not capanble of compiling itself (hardware resource
> constraints, for example), complete instructions must be given,
> desribing which distro can be used to build it.

but, as we have been discussing, i would tighten the
self-hosting criteria (with emphasis on "provides"), in the
sense of "the distro maintainers must control and provide
on infrastructure which they control, all software and the tools
needed to generate all parts of the distro"

IMHO, that is a more reasonable definition of a "complete distro"

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