* rjack peremptorily fired off this memo:

> Hyman Rosen wrote:
>> The proof will be, once the case is over, whether the defendants properly
>> make available the sources of the GPLed software that they are distributing.
>> That most likely will be the case, because quoting from the complaint:
> Each time the SFLC has filed a suit, GPL'd source code has appeared. This
> correlation proves your hypothesis Hymen.
> Every day an SFLC suit was filed, little children died in the Sudan. This
> correlation proves the SFLC is killing little children.

Well, at least we know that rjack doesn't know jack about causation.

The story so far:
        In the beginning the Universe was created.  This has made a lot
of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
                -- Douglas Adams, HHGG #2, (The Restaurant at the End of the 
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