Hyman Rosen wrote:
rjack wrote:
Every time (with 100% correlation) when the S.F.L.C. files a plaintiff's GPL case in the S.D.N.Y., this action causes the plaintiff to voluntarily dismiss his pointless lawsuit without the court ever reviewing the legal
 > status of the GPL or any of plaintiff's copyright claims.

In the last three years, Moglen and Ravicher together have received over
$1,000,000 in compensation from public charitable contributions as S.F.L.C.

You have not provide an instance where after the SFLC ended a
case the source for the GPLed software failed to be provided.

The SFLC continues to file cases on behalf of their clients,
who can therefore be assumed to be satisfied with the service
they are receiving.

The SFLC also receives enough money from its settlements that
its attorneys are reasonably well compensated and therefore
want to continue what they are doing.

Uhhhh. What settlements. The imaginary ones?

So everyone involved, except for the code grabbers, is happy.
GPLed sources are made available, code grabbers are chastened,
attorneys are paid. I guess you're unhappy too, but that's just
an extra bonus.
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