chrisv wrote:
Hyman Rosen wrote:

On 4/8/2010 3:18 PM, RJack wrote:
Post a verifiable settlement agreement or admit the SFLC cut and ran.
It is not necessary to "post a verifiable settlement agreement" and
it is probably impossible to do so, since settlements are often kept private. It is only necessary to see that the SFLC demands compliance with the GPL, and that such compliance exists once the suit ends. That will be true of Comtrend once they get their broken links fixed, just as it has been true with every other defendant with whom the SFLC has settled.

Odd. I tried the top one myself, yesterday, and it worked fine. Today, it's not.

I tried that link yesterday and it pointed to a tarball of a recent
(2008 I think) version of BusyBox. That's why in my prior post I asked
why the link didn't point to "BusyBox, v.0.60.3" as claimed in their
frivolous infringement lawsuit.

RJack :)

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