Sandra Loosemore, 31/10/19 01:22:
For those of you who don't already know me, let me introduce myself: I'm Sandra Loosemore, I am female, and I've been involved with the GNU project since 1991, when RMS hired me to write the GLIBC manual as a FSF employee.  Nowadays I am a maintainer for GCC and Binutils and an occasional contributor to GDB.

Nice to hear from you! Can you please ask to be added to <>? I think several names from the early 1990s are missing but FSF told me they prefer to add only people who ask themselves.

I'll just comment on a couple things:

If the CEO of a corporation made such controversial and offensive statements, the board would likely demand his immediate resignation as part of damage control. [...]  So I think it is probably ultimately the FSF's responsibility to protect their brand and decide who they want to put in charge of overseeing it.

It's fine to think of analogies, but corporations are hardly a model to follow blindly. Their only aim is to maximise short-term profits and stock value; people and ideas are disposable cogs. If you like Chomsky (Brooklyn is all over the place in this conversation!), you'd say that corporation are totalitarian structures.

Same with the brand, or any other asset: it's supposed to be a tool for a purpose, not a purpose in itself. I've often seen in Wikimedia that, whenever the board and staff proclaim they're acting on their "fiduciary duty", ultimately it means they're just letting themselves be cogs in the quest for maximum dollar values in the bottom line and balance sheet. Disaster invariably ensued.


            • ... Jean Louis
            • ... Ruben Safir
            • ... Alexandre François Garreau
            • ... Alexandre François Garreau
            • ... Samuel Thibault
            • ... Ruben Safir
          • ... Gabe Stanton via General GNU project and free software discussions
          • ... Alexandre François Garreau
      • ... Alexandre François Garreau
    • Re... Alexandre François Garreau
  • Re: Wom... Federico Leva (Nemo)
  • Re: Wom... Alfred M. Szmidt
  • Re: Wom... Andreas Enge
    • Re... Sandra Loosemore
      • ... Alexandre François Garreau
        • ... Florian Weimer
  • Re: Wom... Sandra Loosemore

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