IMO, to regain control of our public image, I think we have to take some 
   explicit and public steps to disassociate the GNU project from RMS's 

RMS's comments are unrelated to the GNU project and everyone in the
GNU project is be allowed to their personal opinions, that you are
promulgating a lie of what RMS never said doesn't help.

   My perspective is that the GNU project's mission is to produce 
   high-quality software that is free for everyone to use, and we should 
   welcome contributions from anyone who wants to support that mission.  We 
   certainly should not make affirming support for RMS's 
   non-free-software-related beliefs necessary for people to contribute to 
   the GNU project, or to take a GNU maintainer/leadership role.  Nor 
   should there be any kind of personal loyalty oath to RMS involved in 
   being a GNU contributor or maintainer.

What is being suggested sadly, is the opposite -- that people have to
take a loyalty pledge to contribute or become maintainers.

            • ... Ruben Safir
            • ... Alexandre François Garreau
            • ... Alexandre François Garreau
            • ... Samuel Thibault
            • ... Ruben Safir
          • ... Gabe Stanton via General GNU project and free software discussions
          • ... Alexandre François Garreau
      • ... Alexandre François Garreau
    • Re... Alexandre François Garreau
  • Re: Wom... Federico Leva (Nemo)
  • Re: Wom... Alfred M. Szmidt
  • Re: Wom... Andreas Enge
    • Re... Sandra Loosemore
      • ... Alexandre François Garreau
        • ... Florian Weimer
  • Re: Wom... Sandra Loosemore
    • Re... Jean Louis
      • ... Florian Weimer
        • ... Jean Louis
    • Re... Dora Scilipoti
    • Re... Alexandre François Garreau

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