> >>>>> "Bevan" == Bevan Broun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bevan> But I was still left with "kpsewhich:
> Bevan> titledefs.tex not found" when running ly2dvi (also reported by
> Bevan> [EMAIL PROTECTED]), running texhash did not fix this. I also did
> Bevan> not get good output from my compiled version of lilypond.
> Are you running teTeX?  If so, you need to add local places where tex
> input files may be found to the ....teTeX/texmf.cnf file
> Check the TEXMFL= 
> line to make sure that titledefs.tex is in a directory under that place.
> If titledefs.tex is in /usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/lilypond/....
> then TEXMFL should be /usr/lib/texmf/
> and 
> TEXMFS                = {$TEXMFL,!!$TEXMF}

I think I found the problem. Try to move the directory
and run texhash again.

(It must be in a location where both TeX and LaTeX looks for files.
These locations are specified in texmf.cnf by the variables
TEXINPUTS.tex and TEXINPUTS.latex respectively.)
This is mentioned in INSTALL.txt, I don't know why the install
scripts give another location.

> Bevan> The output is not centered on the page and the right hand side
> Bevan> is chopped off (about 1cm) and left hand margin looks too
> Bevan> big. When I view the dvi output using xdvi I can see the right
> Bevan> side of the score if I enlarge the window but there is a
> Bevan> vertical line placed down the whole screen just before the end
> Bevan> of the last bar on each line.
> Sounds like the wrong version of lilyponddefs.tex

No, this is typical if you run plain TeX directly on the output. 
The reason is that the default linelenght in Lilypond is made
for the default page layout given by ly2dvi which has a much
smaller left margin than the default in TeX.


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