On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Peter Chubb wrote:

> Bevan> But I was still left with "kpsewhich:
> Bevan> titledefs.tex not found" when running ly2dvi (also reported by
> Bevan> [EMAIL PROTECTED]), running texhash did not fix this. I also did
> Bevan> not get good output from my compiled version of lilypond.

This may well be the case if you have mixed lilypond versions. I ran
into a similar problem some days ago - check if you have two versions
of the lilypond binary installed, i.e. /usr/bin/lilypond and

> Bevan> The output is not centered on the page and the right hand side
> Bevan> is chopped off (about 1cm) and left hand margin looks too
> Bevan> big. When I view the dvi output using xdvi I can see the right
> Bevan> side of the score if I enlarge the window but there is a
> Bevan> vertical line placed down the whole screen just before the end
> Bevan> of the last bar on each line.
> Sounds like the wrong version of lilyponddefs.tex

I think this may be because he wasn't able to run ly2dvi. ly2dvi does
this sort of formatting.

> Do you have more than one installed?  Do a find / -name
> lilyponddefs.tex -print to check you haven't more than one. (You could
> be picking up tex input from one version of lilypond and lilypond
> files from a different one)

Jan Arne Fagertun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Fax: +47 73593580
http://www.termo.unit.no/mtf/people/janaf/          Phone: +47 73596890
  Research Scientist, SINTEF Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics
NTNU => NT, Not Unix... http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/ntnu/ - better use Linux

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