Onsdag den 13. mai 1998 skrev Jan:

> We expected to get a lot of positive reactions, but the awful
> quietness made us even long for some bug-reports.

AHA! I found one straight away!

--- WWW.make    Tue May 12 11:19:51 1998
+++ WWW.make.new        Thu May 14 00:55:20 1998
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
 local-WWW: $(ly_examples) $(ps_examples) $(gif_examples)
        (cd $(outdir); $(PYTHON) ../$(depth)/bin/mutopia-index.py --prefix=../ 
--suffix=/$(outdir) $(html_subdirs) $(examples))
-       add-html-footer $(outdir)/index.html
+       $(depth)/bin/out/add-html-footer $(outdir)/index.html

BTW - isn't there a way you could convince make website that my
mail-adress really isn't that important, and teach it to try to set
LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR=`pwd` if not defined?

And, of course - still make website doesn't succeed. But it seems a
little closer....:

make[2]: Entering directory `/home/var/lib/lilypond-0.1.64/Documentation'
Makefile:64: warning: overriding commands for target `check-doc-deps'
../make/Targets.make:214: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check-doc-deps'
pod2html --noindex --infile AUTHORS.pod --outfile=out-www/AUTHORS.html;  sh 
../bin/add-URLs.sh out-www/AUTHORS.html 
Scanning pods...
can't open --noindex: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/pod2html line 75.
Can't open out-www/AUTHORS.html: No such file or directory
add-html-footer out-www/AUTHORS.html
make[2]: add-html-footer: Command not found
make[2]: *** [out-www/AUTHORS.html] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/var/lib/lilypond-0.1.64/Documentation'
make[1]: *** [Documentation/out-www/topweb.html] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/var/lib/lilypond-0.1.64'
make: *** [website] Error 2

Is it my pod2html version?

mtf23:(~) % dpkg -S pod2html
perl: /usr/bin/pod2html
mtf23:(~) % perl -v

This is perl, version 5.003_07

       Jan Arne Fagertun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://www.termo.unit.no/mtf/people/janaf/          Phone: +47 73533036
NTNU => NT, Not Unix... http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/ntnu/ - better use Linux

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