Hello quiet list,

The end of last week and this weekend, Han-Wen and i have been
hacking and typing our fingers blue to get Lily stable again
for the pl 63 release.  We thought we announced it on tuesday, 
but it turned-out we only told each-other.

Amongst others, we introduced expressions into mudela (e.g., see 
init/params.ly), and --tata-- the relative octave mode.

We expected to get a lot of positive reactions, but the awful
quietness made us even long for some bug-reports.

Anyway, now you get two for one price, go get it!


PS: i'll put up rpm and windows32 binary releases later today.

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | LilyPond - The GNU music typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond

pl 64

pl 63.jcn3
        - beam stemlength stuff runtime
        - dropped lq for beam-stemlengths, fixes [d d d] [d g d]
        - ugly sed fix for commas in .ly.m4
        - beam damp corrent fix
        - scsii: small fixes
        - preludes.ly; dropped silly preludes.tex

pl 63.jcn2
        - vocabulary on website
        - data-to-html.py
        - bf: beam damped-slope correct
        - bf: make website
        - some preludes-* fixes

pl 63.jcn1
        - "relative" sizes for titledefs
        - bib2html/man2html urls in INSTALL.pod
        - auto-generated feta stuff in doosdist
        - bf's: make dist, docdeps
        - bf's scsii

the -- uhm -- 'announce'

Hi guys n gals !

We --the development-- thought you should be trained with
convert-mudela.  Therefore we decided (and you'll probably hate us for
it :-) to change octave-down notation to


from the previous


Further attractions:

        * new music (Mozart Horn concerto, Bach cello suite 2),

        * expressions in \paper redone

        * knees for beams

pl 63
        - non_fatal_error () (should use!)
        - Mozart Horn concerto 3, horn part
        - bf: plet-spanner

pl 62.jcn11
        - bf: beam::set-stemlen:iterations 
        - knee-bug.ly
        - use knee in menuetto-ii
        - bit on slope damping
        - some bf's and doco
        - bf's scsii
        - scsii: bf' new: sarabande
        - bf's allemande, courante
        - bf: knee: stem through beams
        - bf: too high beams

pl 62.hwn1
        - bf jcn8: deep copy Scope (ughugh.  I want GC!)
        - cleaned Identifier
        - mudela 0.1.14  'a -> a,
        - class Scope
        - .bib updates
        - key robustifiction for extreme octaves
        - ly2dvi 0.11
        - energy "normalisation" removed. 

pl 62.jcn8
        - beam: knee input/test/knee.ly
        - vimrc init for lily
        - errors display column number too
        - scsii: bf's, new: allemande, courante
        - looked at lyric lengthen "mir________." (eerste weigering)
        - beam: knee [c \stemdown c' \stemup 'c]
        - expressions parsed at identifier_init
        - bf: slur/stem/whole x-adjust: 
          * use note-col width iso mean note-witdth
          * note-column:width ()
        - now string variables in paper too -> mudelapapersize
        - paper_def: real dict -> identifier dict
        - My_lily_lexer: identifier dict stack
        - init paper and a4 stuff
        - \include \string
        - all rvalues from parser var pool -> access rvalue as \rvalue
        - string variables
        - ly2dvi 0.10.jcn1
          * mudelapiece, mudelaopus (ugh, fix)
          * textheight
        - more titledefs
        - bf: table 20 typeface widths
        - bf: toplevel/*.txt
        - bf: ugly Documentation/mutopia fix (should rename dir to Mutopia/ ?)
        - bf: make examples
        - www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond
        - make website fixes
        - ambiguity fixes in .ly's
        - bf: relative-octave warning
        - relative-octave: guess if ambiguous
        - ambiguity warning for relative mode
        - scsii: prelude 
        - bf: slur gap
        - bf's: scsii: menuetto
        - .txt -> $(DOTTEXT)
        - make website fixes
        - .txt fixes
        - bf: typo make-patch
        - bf: *dist.sh cleanup
        - bf: release.py
        - bf: make/Targets doc (removed .txt extension)
        - rpm-dist.sh
        - make doos dist fixes
        - doos-dist.sh windoze dist script
        -- removed useless spacing hack at spring-spacer.cc:692
        - bf: los-toros: do multi-bar rests (setting SkipBars = 1)
        - scsii-menuetto.ly -> menuetto-urtext.ly, -cello.ly and -alto.ly
        - bf: \octave c'; for relative-octaves
        - bf: Documentation make


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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