[to those coming in late:  i offered to try to make a more polished
 webpage for lilypond and pointed han-wen to a content-less copy at:
 http://www4.smart.net/~jcovey/lilypond/  ]

>>>>> "Han-Wen" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Han-Wen> It looks a lot better than mine! Some comments:

    Han-Wen> * colors aren't optimal: I think it is the black
    Han-Wen> background (blue and purple links don't read very
    Han-Wen> easily);

ok, i changed them to yellow and red; i think they're much more

    Han-Wen> also it would be cool if the music fragment would be
    Han-Wen> blended somehow (like fuzy edges, or a white background
    Han-Wen> for the whole page).

i made the edges fade out from white to black; does that look any
better?  i don't want to add too much to the image, because we're
already pushing the 640 width with 515px sample image + 105px
navigation cell = 620 pixels + whatever unforseen bits such as
preformatted text.  scaling the image just distorts it.  i did try
simply inverting the colors so it was white notation on a black
background.  that looked pretty cool, but the notes didn't look as
sharp as they do with black on white, and we're trying to use this
first image to show people how good the lilypond output is...

    Han-Wen> * If you like, you can make the logo more cool (eg. by
    Han-Wen> adding colours)

hey, i just started playing with the gimp yesterday.  :^)  i'll put
that on the todo list; in the meantime, if anyone wants to play with
it, please do!  just keep it at about the same size.

    Han-Wen> * I spell Lilypond as LilyPond (note the P)

ok, fixed.

    Han-Wen> * maybe you could ask the mailing list for comments

done!  :)

    Han-Wen> * I take it the austere "dump" of the tarball (my current
    Han-Wen> page), will also find a place?  I think it would be cool
    Han-Wen> to separate the quickly changing stuff (eg Documentation
    Han-Wen> and examples) from the more static stuff.

this is the question; how do we want to coordinate all of this?  i'm
using htmlpp to build the site, and it can just .include other files.
so with derek's lilyx page, i just stripped the head and foot (<html>,
<head>, and <body> tags) off his page, called it "lilyx.hpp" added
"include lilyx.hpp" to the main file, and it was done.  this way, it
gets stuck into the template and inherits all the style sheet
information, etc.

so, i'd like to do these sorts of things to make it as painless as
possible.  ideally, i could just get tarballs from you and derek with
your updated versions, and have a script that incorporates them into
the template.  as long as you've structured things with headers (<h1>,
<h2>, etc.), htmlpp will pick them up automatically and add them to
the table of contents.  (so, derek, you would need to mark off section
titles as headers rather than marking them up with "<FONT SIZE=+2>".)

han-wen, could you give me some idea of how you're making the homepage
now?  it says it's generated by lilypond.  how does this work?  does
it stick files in a predictable directory structure?  is it going to
be reliable (for example, the coriolan directory is empty right now)?

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