> Hello, Han-Wen!
> Just in the process of refining our grant application for this here
> musicological project which should include a graphics front-end which can
> generate Lilypond source.  We've been looking around and would like to pester
> you with some questions about some buglets that might be demonstrated by the
> examples.  These are sub-optimalities in the printed output, and we are
> wondering if they can be overcome by simply changing the Lilypond input.
> We're not asking you to do that!  Just to tell us if the things we've got
> here are a result of the source you typed, or are in some way "hard-coded"
> into the project.  If it is the former, our score editor will of course
> produce totally perfect output for lilypond to work with and have no problems
> (yes, really 8-), but if it is the latter, we will possibly need to
> contribute some fixes (if you will let us break your code 8-).  I'm trying to
> get a handle on this to estimate total project man-hours.
> http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/hanwen/lilypond/mutopia/out-www/standchen.ps.gz
>         Bar 1: the pianissimo marking collides with the quaver noteheads
> (?bad kerning)

Lilypond `bug'.  Solving it is difficult without major overhaul,
because the pp and quaver aren't logically connected.

(I put `bug' in quotes, because to me a bug is something that does not
conform to specifications; solving the pp problem is not in the specs..)

>         Bar 71 (last page): Bad collision between phrase mark, forte mark and
> triplet "3"

idem.  In general, avoiding graphical collisions is difficult to do

>         Throughout: ties and slurs uniform over whole length (not thicker in
> the middle: ?font)

This is tunable, I think.

>         Throughout: Words aren't centre-justified under noteheads; "Lei-
> der", not "Lei  -
>         der", and no use of "_" ("mich!" on last page, not "mich_______!")

Lilypond.  Needs fixing, but shouldn't be very difficult.

>         Page 2: penultimate system, middle bar: tie cuts thorough
> semiquavers.
>         Last page.  Ties unusual (in LH both go down.  Shouldn't they go in
> opposite directions?)

Lilypond `bug', but might be tunable somehow.  Fixing this shouldn't
be too difficult. 


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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