>       I'm really, really stuck, despite of importance of this job, with what
> happens to be 'tonica sign': it look's like this:
> |
> |=
> |
> |
> and is usually placed just like a note to mark tonica, after the clef.
> I am not very proficient in TeX internals to hack it somehow, so if there is some
> faster way to typeset it in lily, please help. Otherwise consider this as a
> feature-request.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what this symbol should look like, I
can't recall having seen anything similar. Anyhow, this raises a more
general idea I've had, namely to be able to typeset any general TeX
symbol anywhere in the staff. It could be either with a stem, just
replacing the ordinary notehead (for example to get diamond or cross
shaped note heads), or without a stem. One particular example I have
in mind is the so called accaciatura which is commonly used in for
example french baroque music which is printed as a slanted line
between two tones of a chord.
This should be fairly easy to implement. The next step for you would
then be to find or design a TeX symbol of the right shape. You could
try to look at all different symbols that are available in TeX and
LaTeX. Search for example at 

> And another, last question:
> lilypond-1.1.27 had no problems with cyrillic. At least, after some latex 
> i could make lyrics in russian. 1.1.31 gives me blanks instead :( As far as I can 
> the problem lies in generated *.tex. So that is another plea.

How do you enter the cyrillic? Are you using some 8-bit character
encoding like OT2 or do you insert some kind of TeX macro for
each character?

If you use an 8-bit character set, I can't understand how it could
work in 1.1.27. When I try writing swedish characters, I get an
assertion failure in both 1.1.27 and 1.1.31. Try the following patch,
(for 1.1.33) which at least solves my problems with national
characters. It it doesn't help you, please give a more specific

        /Mats B

>diff -urN ../lilypond-1.1.33/lily/lookup.cc lily/lookup.cc
--- ../lilypond-1.1.33/lily/lookup.cc  Mon Feb 22 08:56:16 1999
+++ lily/lookup.cc      Sat Feb 27 23:35:46 1999
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
-         Character_metric *c = afm_l->get_char (text[i],false);
+         Character_metric *c = afm_l->get_char ((unsigned char)text[i],false);
          w += c->dimensions()[X_AXIS].length ();
          ydims.unite (c->dimensions()[Y_AXIS]);
diff -urN ../lilypond-1.1.33/lily/tfm.cc lily/tfm.cc---
../lilypond-1.1.33/lily/tfm.cc     Tue Feb  9 11:45:47 1999
+++ lily/tfm.cc Sat Feb 27 23:14:49 1999
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 Tex_font_char_metric const &
 Tex_font_metric::find_ascii (int ascii, bool warn) const
-  if (ascii_to_metric_idx_[ascii] >= 0)
+  if (ascii < ascii_to_metric_idx_.size() && ascii_to_metric_idx_[ascii] >= 0)
     return char_metrics_[ascii_to_metric_idx_ [ascii]];
   else if (warn)

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