> I use "t2" cyrrillic package, so T2A encoding; dunno wether it is done through
> macros or plain 8 bit ( macros, i guess). Also i use psCyr fonts package with
> some free fonts, namely facmr6ar in it.
> All the thing is in one large file, on which i call mudela-book;
> then i do
>       cd out; for i in *.tex ; do { cat $i | sed s/cmr8/facmr6ar/ >$i.new &&
>       mv -f $i.new $i && tex \&cyrtex $i; }; done
> then i call mudela-book second time && dvips finishes the soup.
> Oh, and in /usr/local/share/lilypond/tfm resides symlinc to facmr6ar metric,
> but under name od cmr8.tfm ( size of Lyrics).
> This is horrible hack, it doesn't allow for ideal conforming between lyrics &
> notes.

It is easy to add another text style in Lilypond that automates this
procedure. The only problem is that the naming convention of your
font files  isn't exactly the same as the standard fonts (having the
size at the end of the name), which means the patch would include more
than a single line of code. 

> 2. Tonica sign and some other things ( say, there notes in brackets in original:
> [ note], on the staff) are desperate. I think that after all done, if no thoughts
> appear, I simply will launch gimp etc and draw them on epses by hand.
> August

I think that Han-Wen and Jan are on a leave this week. I think I know
how this could be implemented but unfortunately I don't have any
spare time this week. I'm afraid you have to do it with Gimp at
the moment. 

> P.S. in 1.27, i could make small latex file, launch russian support, then say
> \begin{document} \input texfile \end{document}, and all the russian letters were
> there. but this doesn't work with 1.33 ( tried and tested on old files).

Aha, the problem is the new TeX code generation for changing fonts.
(The explanation below is mostly intended for Han-Wen and Jan)
Before, the font was changed with macros declared separately for 
pure TeX and LaTeX, but now all the fonts are declared directly in
the generated code using the low-level TeX commands. This circumvents
the fontencoding mechanism of LaTeX and is a potential source of
problems also for us users of the Latin-1 character set. 
I think it still works since the inputencoding latin1 is 
declared by ly2dvi, but it still means that e.g. an o with
umlaut is typeset as a combination of the two symbols 'o' and
'umlaut' instead of as a single character, as would be the case
if fontencoding OT1 had been used. This shouldn't give any 
difference in layout, though. One of the main argument for using
fontencoding OT1 is for the hyphenation mechanism to work, an 
argument that's clearly irrelevant in our application. Yet we
see the problem for August.

Another thing: the cmr_init dictionary should be user configurable
(in Guile code?) instead of hard-coded in lookup.ly.


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