Hello dear people,

While Jan was climbing rocks, I sat down over the weekend to rewrite
the repeat support in LilyPond.  The syntax is still very clumsy, so
I'd appreciate suggestions.  Your other favorite gripe (property
inheritance) was also fixed.

pl 43

pl 41.hwn3
       - reinstated \property inheritance
       - \property SkipBars -> skipBars
       - \property midi_instrument -> midiInstrument
       - \property fontsize -> fontSize (mudela 1.0.18).
       - bf: add a space after lyrics.
       - junked flower DLL classes
       - rewrote repeat music and iterators (mudela 1.0.17)
         * Folded_repeat_iterator
         * Unfolded_repeat_iterator
         * New_repeated_music
         * syntax change: \repeat FOLDSTRING NUMBER Music [ALTERNATIVE Music_se
       - data struct simplification: junked Dynamic_req,
Absolute_dynamic_req, Span_dynamic_req, Slur_req, Beam_req. Use
Span_reqs and Text_script_reqs with type fields instead. 

pl 42.tca1
        - updated mudela-book documentation
        - misc mudela-book.py
        - accordion: smaller dots + little script renaming

pl 42.jcn1
        - bf: hp-u(rg)x: user build; sm 73
        - bf: hp-u(rg)x: sm74

pl 41.mb1
        - convert-mudela: convert textstyle -> textStyle
        - refman.yo: properties moved to correct contexts.
        - mudela-book.py: Added singleline, multiline options. 
          Fixed default line width bug.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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