Dear friends,

after a long, long time I've tried lilypond again.

A lot of things don't work as expected.  I'll start with a few, and
others will come later if time permits.  Of course, my critics are
meant constructively to further improve lilypond...

. please mention in the `INSTALL' file that `autoconf' must be run
  after patches have been applied -- shortly after I've sent the `bug
  report' I've remembered this :-)

. saying

    lilypond -o foo.tex

  creates a file called `foo.tex.tex' -- is this really intentional?

. `make doc' as advertised in the INSTALL file doesn't work.  Saying
  `make dvi' in Documentation/tex stops with an error (I'm currently

. the second lilypond code snippet from the file
  lilypond-overview.doc,, is this:

    \include ""
    \paper{\paper_sixteen linewidth = -1.\cm;
            castingalgorithm = \Gourlay;}
    \score{\notes\relative c
            {\context Staff
              <\context Voice
                { c''8 c''8 } >}}

  I would expect two c'' eights, but I get a c'' followed by a


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