> meant constructively to further improve lilypond...
> . please mention in the `INSTALL' file that `autoconf' must be run
>   after patches have been applied -- shortly after I've sent the `bug
>   report' I've remembered this :-)


> . saying
>     lilypond -o foo.tex foo.ly
>   creates a file called `foo.tex.tex' -- is this really intentional?

Umm. Yes.  What should the MIDI file be called otherwise?

> . the second lilypond code snippet from the file
>   lilypond-overview.doc, lilypond-overview-0.1.1.ly, is this:
>     \include "paper16.ly"
>     \paper{\paper_sixteen linewidth = -1.\cm;
>             castingalgorithm = \Gourlay;}
>     \score{\notes\relative c
>             {\context Staff
>               <\context Voice
>                 { c''8 c''8 } >}}
>   I would expect two c'' eights, but I get a c'' followed by a
>   c''''...

This is because of the \relative keyword, the meaning of '' roughly is
two octaves above the previous note.  The LaTeX documentation is not
up to date because the mudela-book received some patches lately.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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