"However, there's a problem when I want to write 'pizz.' in roman
above the note and 'dim. sempre' below. I think I can try using two
voices and an invisible note, but this looks like an ugly hack to

I also have this problem with Scarlatti when I need to put an
ornament or hand indication on both notes of a chord (one voice) -
only one entry gets output. It would be nice if it could be fixed.

"I nearly don't dare to mention the little notes (German:
'Stichnoten') that are sometimes printed at the end of a long rest
for one instrument, which show the notes of a different instrument
to help the player to realize the end of the rest..."

You can put these in using
\property Voice.fontsize = "-1"
then revert to (the default)
\property Voice.fontsize = "0"
for the real entry.

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