>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    jeff> about tuplet numbers: can i convince lilypond to *always*
    jeff> put a brace around them, regardless of whether the notes the
    jeff> tuplet covers already have a brace or not?  it's more
    jeff> readable that way in many cases.

    Mats> Do you want a curved brace or a square bracket?

doesn't matter to me.  maybe a curved brace would make it easier to
distinguish.  i'm sure one of han-wen's mountain-high stack of books
describes what the right thing (tm) is.  :)

    jeff> even more importantly, can i force the tuplet number + brace to
    jeff> appear above or below the notes at will?

    Mats> I'll make an attempt to add this as an option.

the user either needs to be given the ability to position the number + 
brace above or below the notes and closer to or further away from
them, or else lily needs to get smart about how it places them.  right 
now, it's doing really, really stupid things.

| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-669-4926 |
|Do you remember when you only had to pay for windows when *you* broke them? |
|                                                              -- Noel Maddy |

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