Some additions to Han-Wen's answer:

> 2. is it possible for lily to simply break each line when it runs out
>    of room instead of my having to do a
>    \bar "|"; \break
>    at the end of each line?  
If you want to allow a line break anywhere, the following should work
(I hope):

   \property Staff.barAlways = "1"
   \property Staff.defaultBarType = "empty"

> about tuplet numbers: can i convince lilypond to *always* put a brace
> around them, regardless of whether the notes the tuplet covers already
> have a brace or not?  it's more readable that way in many cases.

Do you want a curved brace or a square bracket?

> even more importantly, can i force the tuplet number + brace to appear
> above or below the notes at will?
I'll make an attempt to add this as an option.

> ... the ly2dvi man page talks about specifying width and
> height in terms of points, but i'm not sure what a point is.

A point is about 1/72 inch, i.e. 25.4/72 mm.
I would set the textheight and linewidth in the \paper section of
the input file. I'm not sure about how ly2dvi handles the 
paper size settings.


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