        What's the best way to put verse numbers against lyrics?

I tried:
        "{\kern -2em\bf 1. }FirstWord"
but because Lilypond  is naive about the way it calculates lengths of
text, this wrecks the spacing of the notes.


lilypond 1.1.46 complains about the Scarlatti sonatas in Mutopia/...
sonata-k1-l366.ly:238:1: error: have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
 8 g' e' s s2 |
sonata-k2-l388.ly:43:19: warning: Adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 4):
[fis'16 d'' e'' cis
                   '' d'' a'] |

sonata-k2-l388.ly:175:6: warning: stem doesn't fit in beam:

sonata-k2-l388.ly:43:1: warning: beam was started here:
 fis'16 d'' e'' cis'' d'' a'] |

sonata-k2-l388.ly:43:23: warning: please fix me: stem at 81/16 doesn't fit in beam:
[fis'16 d'' e'' cis'' d
                       '' a'] |

sonata-k2-l388.ly:43:27: warning: please fix me: stem at 41/8 doesn't fit in beam:
[fis'16 d'' e'' cis'' d'' a
                           '] |

sonata-k2-l388.ly:43:29: warning: please fix me: stem at 83/16 doesn't fit in beam:
[fis'16 d'' e'' cis'' d'' a']

sonata-k3-l378.ly:137:8: warning: barcheck failed by: 3/4:
        a'2.  |

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