> 1. Stanza numbering. Numbering at the beginning of a song with the number
> set to the left of the first note. It would also be nice (but not as
> important) to be able to have some form of automatic numbering at the
> beginning of each new line. This would make it easier to follow songs with a
> large number of stanzas.

See Han-Wen's answer earlier today on the subject "Lilypond: how to 
put verse numbers?". Automatic numbering is easy to fix with a 
TeX macro. The problem is if you have different versions of the 
lyrics for, let's say, the soprano and the bass part of a choir piece.

> 3. Notes centred above/below lyrics rather than left-aligned.

This used to work by setting 
\property LyricVoice.textalignment = \center
but I think this feature has been removed. It would be easy to 
reintroduce it again.

> 4. It would be very nice to be able to build some kind of phrasing into the
> lyrics of hymns, etc, so that the first words of a phrase are left aligned
> with each other, the last words are right aligned, and the words in between
> are centred.

Once we have the the alignment property implemented, you could 
change it from syllable to syllable if necessary. I don't really
see what you want, is it something that could be automized 
even further?

> 5. In a song, with (say) four stanzas and a chorus, it would be nice to be
> able to vertically align the chorus midway between the staves.

The minVerticalAlign property might be useful, I'm not sure about the
current status.

> 6. It would be nice to be able to put vertical brackets either side of a
> repeated section with different words for each repeat.

That would require some hacking. Is this a standard notation, I cannot
recall having seen it?


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