My wish list for lyrics. I dream of a time when I will have enough time to become familiar enough with the source code to be able to implement some of these myself, but I don't know when that will be, so I thought I'd "publish" my suggestions in case someone else is in a position to give them some priority. Otherwise, perhaps they could go on the todo list?
If any of these are already implemented, please let me what the syntax is to use them!
1. Stanza numbering. Numbering at the beginning of a song with the number set to the left of the first note. It would also be nice (but not as important) to be able to have some form of automatic numbering at the beginning of each new line. This would make it easier to follow songs with a large number of stanzas.
2. Hyphens between syllables. At the moment there appears to be no easy way to position a hyphen mid-way between the syllables it breaks.
3. Notes centred above/below lyrics rather than left-aligned.
4. It would be very nice to be able to build some kind of phrasing into the lyrics of hymns, etc, so that the first words of a phrase are left aligned with each other, the last words are right aligned, and the words in between are centred.
5. In a song, with (say) four stanzas and a chorus, it would be nice to be able to vertically align the chorus midway between the staves.
6. It would be nice to be able to put vertical brackets either side of a repeated section with different words for each repeat.
I hope that's clear.
Glen Prideaux

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