On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> I must have been tired when I wrote my previous answer, what I had in 
> mind was:
> \score {
>   \notes \relative c'{
>     \context Staff <
>       { \voiceone c4 d e f g2 g  }
>       { \voicetwo a,4 b c d e2 f  }
>     >
>   }
> }

But this forces a stem direction for the two voices. How do I prevent
the last two note heads from colliding without (a) forcing stem
direction, (b) without explicit hshift mode. I thought Lilypond would
take care of this automatically?

Going even further (towards my original goal): how do I handle the
situation where I have two voices on one staff (maybe even one with
stems up and one with stems down), and one of them temporarily "forks"
into two voices for one measure or so, so that I would have
effectively three voices? Do I have to deal with shifting manually in
this case?

thanks for any help!

michael krause [aka raw style / lego] - www.tu-harburg.de/~semk2104/

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