> Take a look at bars 1-4 of houseontheocean.ly--it isn't as simple as you
> would think...  For example, in the bass clef you have two eigth notes
> followed by a half.  In order to do it the way you suggest, I would have to
> change the half note to an eighth note, which is *not* what the composer
> intended...  Instead, to get what you see you have to start the half note in
> the upper staff then cross it down to the lower and vice versa to get the
> upper line--very inelegant, and very confusing.

I'll have another think about this; the trouble is in the overlap of
the notes.   A temporary solution would be:

    { f8( c8 < f2
            { s8 \translator Staff=upper s4. } >
            c f  )a }

> Isn't that what computers are for?  To simplify things for the end user
> (should the end user so desire)?  

Perhaps, but remember that I am here to have fun hacking, not
to cater for end users.   

> Actually, I can't imagine a situation where you would *need* more
> than one phrase mark,

Have you ever heard of polyphonic music?  See
mutopia/J.S.Bach/wtk1-fugue2 for examples.  It is conceivable to have
such pieces where multiple slurs cross staffs and not follow any
nesting rules.

> As for how to handle the inevitable collision with 'E' and 'F', you could
> simply raise the phrase mark vertically and/or turn the stems down on 'E'
> and 'F'.

That's not the question; the question is how do you decide which slur
reacts to which notes.  Before a collision can be corrected, the slur
has to `know' that a note is there. Knowing that notes are there is
also done using notation contexts. 

> BTW, I'm not trying to tear you down, I think what you have now is pretty
> damned awesome!  I'm only trying to suggest ways to make Lily even better...
> ;-p

I am not trying to tear *you* down. It's just that you have no idea
how Lily works, so your implementation suggestions are quite useless
to me. :)


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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