About a month ago I sent a message to the help-gnu-music list
concerning the volta spanning bar colliding with lyrics 
for multiple staffs. At the time I deduced that the vertical size
of the volta spanning bar was not being taken into account.
I now find that  collisions also occur for multiple staffs without lyrics,
although perhaps not as severely.

I have looked at the code and the fix to this problem would be in
Volta_spanner::do_height () and is very simply to return the height 
of the volta spanning bar(with a small excess for clearance). 
However, the following comment appears in this function:
    in most cases, it's a lot better not no have height...

As in the cases I have encountered, it is a severe problem that
the height is zero(to which I have found no good work-around), 
my question is; in what cases is it better not to have a height?

Roy Rankin

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