On Tuesday, 28 September 1999, Matthew Hiller writes:

> On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> > Btw, I also asked Derek at the time: why don't you use Lily's font?
> > Check out ./buildscripts/mf-to-xpms.sh.

    make -C mf all xpms XPM_FONTS=feta20

should have worked, but it failed here for three reasons:

    * The accordeon symbols are not robust: comment-out 

         input feta-accordion;

      in feta-schrift.mf

    * The fetaxx.afm files have changed: widths were added, and spaces
      were added before ';'
      You can use the new script below or wait for .12, or
      you can use lilypond-1.0.11 - 1.0.19

    * Pktopbm from libgr-2.0.13 is broken, you need to get 
      libgr-2.0.13-17 if you use RedHat, or apply the patch
      below (same thing).

That's all there's to it!


>       I can't get mf-to-xpms to work. For example, I try
> entering:
> lilypond-1.2.9/mf% ../buildscripts/out/mf-to-xpms feta20
>       And it produces a gf files and a pk file in the out directory, but
> doesn't get past that on its own.
>       From a debugging echo I put into the script, it seems that $PBMS
> isn't getting set to anything at all, so pktopbm ends up getting invoked
> without any output files.
>       Does anyone who knows more about this stuff than I do know how to
> fix the script, or at least how to invoke pktopbm so that it produces
> something useful (i.e., something other than a black rectangle?)

# mf-to-xpms.sh

set -x;

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
        echo Usage: mf-to-xpms feta20
        exit 2

font=`basename $1 .mf`

set +x;

if [ ! -e out/$font.${RESOLUTION}pk ]; then
        mf "\\mode=${MODE}; \\input $mf"
        mv $font.${RESOLUTION}gf out
        rm -f $font.log $font.tfm
        gftopk out/$font.${RESOLUTION}gf out/$font.${RESOLUTION}pk

# num=`grep "^C *[0-9]*;" $afm | tail -1 | sed "s!^C *\([^;]*\).*!\\1!"`
# num=66
# tex=out/$font.tex
# cat > $tex <<EOF
# \font\fetatwenty=feta20
# \fetatwenty
# \nopagenumbers
# \newcount\c\c64
# \char\c
# \loop\ifnum\c<$num\advance\c by1
#       \vfill\eject
#       \char\c
# \repeat
# \vfill\eject
# \end

# for i in $NUMS; do
#       $PKTOPBM out/$font.${RESOLUTION}pk -c $i out/$font-$i.pbm
# done

# numbered files
if [ "x$named" = "x" ]; then
        NUMS=`grep "^C *[0-9]* *;" $afm | sed "s!^C *\([^ ;]*\).*!\\1!"`
        PBMS=`grep "^C *[0-9]* *;" $afm | sed "s!^C *\([^ ;]*\).*!out/$font-\\1.pbm!"`
        NUMS=`grep "^C *[0-9]* *;" $afm | sed "s!^C *.*; *N *\([^ ;]*\).*!\\1!"`
        PBMS=`grep "^C *[0-9]* *;" $afm | sed "s!^C *.*; *N *\([^ 

# $PKTOPBM out/$font.${RESOLUTION}pk -x 100 -y 100 $PBMS

for i in $NUMS; do
        ppmtoxpm out/$font-$i.pbm > out/$font-$i.xpm
rm -f $PBMS
diff -urN ../libgr-2.0.13/ChangeLog ./ChangeLog
--- ../libgr-2.0.13/ChangeLog   Wed Oct 30 05:55:28 1996
+++ ./ChangeLog Tue Sep 22 15:37:36 1998
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Tue Sep 22 15:34:12 1998    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * fixed pktopbm
 Tue Oct 29 23:33:18 1996    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * libgr-2.0.11 released.
diff -urN ../libgr-2.0.13/pbm/pktopbm.c ./pbm/pktopbm.c
--- ../libgr-2.0.13/pbm/pktopbm.c       Sat Apr  5 15:23:08 1997
+++ ./pbm/pktopbm.c     Tue Sep 22 16:50:14 1998
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
   pktopbm, adapted from "pktopx in C by Tomas Rokicki" by AJCD 1/8/90
+  1998-09-22: jcn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+     - lots of bugfixes:
+        * always read x/y offset bytes (3x)
+        * reset bmx, bmy to defaults for each char
+        * fix bitmap y placement of dynamically packed char
+        * skip char early if no output file allocated
+     - added debug output
   compile with: cc -lpbm -o pktopbm pktopbm.c
@@ -26,6 +33,9 @@
 static eightbits bitweight ;
 static integer repeatcount ;
 static integer flagbyte ;
+static integer debug=0;
+#define dprintf(s,d) if (debug) printf(s,d)
 /* add a suffix to a filename in an allocated space */
 static void
@@ -165,18 +175,20 @@
      int argc ;
      char *argv[] ;
+       integer x;
    integer endofpacket ;
    boolean turnon ;
    integer i, j;
    integer car ;
    integer bmx=0, bmy=0;
+   integer set_bmx=0, set_bmy=0;
    bit row[MAXROWWIDTH+1] ;
-   char *usage = "pkfile[.pk] [[-x width] [-y height] [-c num] pbmfile]...";
+   char *usage = "pkfile[.pk] [-d] [[-x width] [-y height] [-c num] pbmfile]...";
    pbm_init(&argc, argv);
    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXPKCHAR ; i ++) filename[i] = NULL ;
-   pm_message("This is PKtoPBM, version 2.4") ;
+   pm_message("This is PKtoPBM, version 2.5") ;
    if (--argc < 1) pm_usage(usage) ;
@@ -184,19 +196,20 @@
    pktopbm_add_suffix(pkname, ".pk") ;
    car = 0 ;
+   /* urg: use getopt */
    while (++argv, --argc) {
       if (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1])
         switch (argv[0][1]) {
        case 'X':
        case 'x':
          if (argv[0][2]) bmx = atoi(*argv+2) ;
-         else if (++argv, --argc) bmx = atoi(*argv) ;
+         else if (++argv, --argc) set_bmx = atoi(*argv) ;
          else pm_usage(usage) ;
          continue ;
        case 'Y':
        case 'y':
          if (argv[0][2]) bmy = atoi(*argv+2) ;
-         else if (++argv, --argc) bmy = atoi(*argv) ;
+         else if (++argv, --argc) set_bmy = atoi(*argv) ;
          else pm_usage(usage) ;
          continue ;
         case 'C':
@@ -205,6 +218,9 @@
            else if (++argv, --argc) car = atoi(*argv) ;
            else pm_usage(usage) ;
            break ;
+        case 'd':
+           debug=1;
+           break ;
            pm_usage(usage) ;
         } else if (car < 0 || car >= MAXPKCHAR) {
@@ -229,6 +245,8 @@
       integer xoffs=0, yoffs=0;
       FILE *ofp;
+      bmx=set_bmx;
+      bmy=set_bmy;
       dynf = (flagbyte>>4) ;                   /* get dynamic packing value */
       flagbyte &= 15 ;
       turnon = (flagbyte >= 8) ;               /* black or white initially? */
@@ -237,61 +255,82 @@
         integer packetlength = get32() ;       /* character packet length */
         car = get32() ;                        /* character number */
         endofpacket = packetlength + pktopbm_pkloc ;   /* calculate end of packet */
-        if (car >= MAXPKCHAR || car < 0) {
+         if ((car >= MAXPKCHAR) || !filename[car]) {
            ignorechar(car, endofpacket);
+        dprintf ("flagbyte7\n", 0);
+        dprintf ("car: %d\n", car);
         get32() ;                              /* ignore tfmwidth */
-        get32() ;                              /* ignore horiz escapement */
-        get32() ;                              /* ignore vert escapement */
+        x=get32() ;                            /* ignore horiz escapement */
+        x=get32() ;                            /* ignore vert escapement */
+        dprintf ("horiz esc %d\n", x);
+        dprintf ("vert esc %d\n", x);
         cwidth = get32() ;                     /* bounding box width */
         cheight = get32() ;                    /* bounding box height */
+        dprintf ("cwidth %d\n", cwidth);
+        dprintf ("cheight %d\n", cheight);
         if (cwidth < 0 || cheight < 0 || cwidth > 65535 || cheight > 65535) {
            ignorechar(car, endofpacket);
-        if (bmx) xoffs= get32() ;              /* horiz offset */
-        if (bmy) yoffs= get32() ;              /* vert offset */
+        xoffs= get32() ;              /* horiz offset */
+        yoffs= get32() ;              /* vert offset */
+        dprintf ("xoffs %d\n", xoffs);
+        dprintf ("yoffs %d\n", yoffs);
       } else if (flagbyte > 3) {               /* extended short form */
         integer packetlength = ((flagbyte - 4)<<16) + get16() ;
                                                /* packet length */
         car = pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                       /* char number */
         endofpacket = packetlength + pktopbm_pkloc ;   /* calculate end of packet */
-        if (car >= MAXPKCHAR) {
+         if ((car >= MAXPKCHAR) || !filename[car]) {
            ignorechar(car, endofpacket);
+        dprintf ("flagbyte>3\n", 0);
+        dprintf ("car: %d\n", car);
         pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                             /* ignore tfmwidth (3 bytes) */
         get16() ;                              /* ignore tfmwidth (3 bytes) */
         get16() ;                              /* ignore horiz escapement */
         cwidth = get16() ;                     /* bounding box width */
         cheight = get16() ;                    /* bounding box height */
-        if (bmx)                               /* horiz offset */
-           if ((xoffs=get16()) >= 32768)
-               xoffs-= 65536;
-        if (bmy)                               /* vert offset */
-           if ((yoffs=get16()) >= 32768)
-               yoffs-= 65536;
+        dprintf ("cwidth %d\n", cwidth);
+        dprintf ("cheight %d\n", cheight);
+        xoffs=get16();                         /* horiz offset */
+        if (xoffs >= 32768)
+            xoffs-= 65536;
+        yoffs=get16();                         /* vert offset */
+        if (yoffs >= 32768)
+            yoffs-= 65536;
+        dprintf ("xoffs %d\n", xoffs);
+        dprintf ("yoffs %d\n", yoffs);
       } else {                                 /* short form preamble */
         integer packetlength = (flagbyte<<8) + pktopbm_pkbyte() ;
                                                /* packet length */
         car = pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                       /* char number */
         endofpacket = packetlength + pktopbm_pkloc ;   /* calculate end of packet */
-        if (car >= MAXPKCHAR) {
+         if ((car >= MAXPKCHAR) || !filename[car]) {
            ignorechar(car, endofpacket);
+        dprintf ("flagbyte<=3\n", 0);
+        dprintf ("car: %d\n", car);
         pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                     /* ignore tfmwidth (3 bytes) */
         get16() ;                              /* ignore tfmwidth (3 bytes) */
-        pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                     /* ignore horiz escapement */
+        x = pktopbm_pkbyte() ;                     /* ignore horiz escapement */
+        dprintf ("horiz esc %d\n", x);
         cwidth = pktopbm_pkbyte() ;            /* bounding box width */
         cheight = pktopbm_pkbyte() ;           /* bounding box height */
-        if (bmx)                               /* horiz offset */
-           if ((xoffs=pktopbm_pkbyte()) >= 128)
-              xoffs-= 256;;
-        if (bmy)                               /* vert offset */
-           if ((yoffs=pktopbm_pkbyte()) >= 128)
-              yoffs-= 256;;
+        dprintf ("cwidth %d\n", cwidth);
+        dprintf ("cheight %d\n", cheight);
+        xoffs=pktopbm_pkbyte ();               /* horiz offset */
+        if (xoffs >= 128)
+           xoffs-=256;
+        yoffs=pktopbm_pkbyte ();               /* vert offset */
+        if (yoffs >= 128)
+           yoffs-=256;
+        dprintf ("xoffs %d\n", xoffs);
+        dprintf ("yoffs %d\n", yoffs);
       if (filename[car]) {
         if (!bmx) bmx= cwidth;
@@ -304,10 +343,12 @@
       bitweight = 0 ;
+      for (i = 0 ; i < bmy ; i ++)           /* make it blank */
+        for (j = 0 ; j < bmx ; j ++)
+           bitmap[i][j]= PBM_WHITE;
       if (dynf == 14) {                                /* bitmapped character */
-        for (i = 0 ; i < bmy ; i ++)           /* make it blank */
-           for (j = 0 ; j < bmx ; j ++)
-              bitmap[i][j]= PBM_WHITE;
+        dprintf ("bmy: %d\n ", bmy);
+        dprintf ("y: %d\n ", bmy-yoffs-1);
         for (i = 0 ; i < cheight ; i ++) {
            int yi= i+(bmy-yoffs-1);
            for (j = 0 ; j < cwidth ; j ++) {
@@ -321,6 +362,8 @@
         integer hbit = cwidth ;
         integer rp = 0;
         repeatcount = 0 ;
+        dprintf ("bmy: %d\n ", bmy);
+        dprintf ("y: %d\n", cheight-rowsleft+(bmy-2*yoffs-1));
         while (rowsleft > 0) {
            integer count = pkpackednum() ;     /* get current colour count */
            while (count > 0) {
@@ -333,7 +376,7 @@
                  while (hbit--)
                     row[rp++] = turnon ? PBM_BLACK : PBM_WHITE;
                  for (i = 0; i <= repeatcount; i++) {  /* fill row */
-                    int yi= i+cheight-rowsleft+(bmy-yoffs-1);
+                    int yi= i+cheight-rowsleft-1;
                     if (0<=yi && yi < bmy)
                        for (j = 0; j < cwidth; j++) {
                           int xj= j-xoffs;
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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