On 05-Oct-99 Glen Prideaux wrote:
>> > * We can make a statement if we don't link Adobe's (proprietary
>> >   software!) website.  Isn't there a free Windows PDF viewer?
>> I'll investigate this - I don't have a Windows machine, however, so
>> testing whether any particular viewer works well with Lilypond
>> output could be a problem.
>> >   Doesn't ghostview also do PDF?
>> Yes, but apparently Ghostscript is quite complicated to install for
>> Windows. As I've said, I'll look into this point.
> Not at all. It is available from http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
> and comes as a single executable file that simply needs to be run to
> install it on your system. It's very straightforward. It does a fine
> job of displaying pdf files, and a fair job of converting .ps to
> .pdf, too.

OK. What I've done for now is to leave the link to Ghostscript (a
slightly different one to yours - I'll verify it's correct tomorrow) in
the Postscript section, and recommend that people get this if they
don't have a reader for either PS or PDF. I've mentioned Acrobat Reader
in the PDF section as an example of a PDF reader that people may
already have - but I've removed the link to Adobe's site.

I've also added the external links section to the site map page.

The next thing on my to-do list is a page containing a list of projects
that are being worked on to avoid two people entering the same music - I
don't think this is very likely for the time being though :-)




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