> means other than the quick and dirty (scanning a pasteup), and with
> what? Are the tools to do this available at this time? Which are they?
> Will better ones be available soon? Which are they? I am not such a
> purist that I wouldn't use anything under any kind of free license as
> long as it didn't involve a Microsoft product, but I would prefer open
> source over wordperfect 8. 

But we are purists. We can't have documents inside the LilyPond
source/documentation tarball that need non-free software to read or
modify. This essentially limits the possibilities to (La)TeX (or
perhaps texinfo), or HTML (which makes sense if you want to provide
scanned images).


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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