On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> On Tuesday, 19 October 1999, "Timothy S. Nelson" writes:
> >     Also, I have a song which has an alternative bit in the middle.  I'd
> > like to mark it as an alternative without having to put any repeats in.  Is
> > this a volta, and is there a way to do this?  
> I don't understand.  Do you want/mean an ossia staff (input/test/ossia.ly)?

        No, sorry for being unclear :).  I want alternative 1, then
alternative 2.  I've attached one file that shows the kind of problem.  I
haven't attempted to use any alternative tags, I've just used a Lyrics above
the music to mark the different options, but it's not as clear as I'd like.  

        Hope this makes it clearer.  


| Name: Tim Nelson          | Because the Creator is,               |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                                  |
Web: http://www.ne.com.au/~wayland/
NB: I have a BSc. (Comp.Sci.) and I need a Job

Version 3.1
GCS d? s: a-- C++>++++$ US+ P++ L++ E- W+++ N+ w+> M-- V- Y+>++ 
PGP->++ R(+) !tv B++ DI++++ D+ G e>++ h!/* y-

% Creator: midi2ly 1.1.58. of Jul 14 1999 08:34:18
% Automatically generated, at Thu Jul 15 23:39:11 1999
% from input file: ../MIDIs/Eastgate.mid

\include "PsalmStart.ly"

\header {
        title = "Psalm 36";
        comment = "For the director of music.  Of David the servant of the Lord";
        poet = "Eastgate (CM(R))";
        composer = "Robert Bennett (1788-1819)";

trackX = \notes{
        % midi copyright:
        % instrument:
        \time 4/4;
         \key D;
         \tempo 4=100;
         % Eastgate, Robert Bennett, 1788-1819, CM(R)
} % track@

Soprano = \notes{
        % midi copyright:
        % instrument:

        % Soprano
         \skip 4..*12/7;  a'4  |
        % 2
        d''4  cis''8  b'8  b'8  a'8  a'4  |
        % 3
        b'4  cis''4  d''4 \bar "||"; d''4  |
        % 4
        d''4  e''8  fis''8  fis''4  e''8  d''8  |
        % 5
        d''4  cis''4  r4 \break \bar "||";
        % 3
        fis'4 |
        % 4
        fis'4  [g'8  a'8]  a'4  [g'8  fis'8] |
        % 5
        fis'4(  )e'4  r4 \bar "||"; a'4 |
        % 6
        \noAB b'8  b'8  cis''8  cis''8 \AB d''4  e''4  |
        % 7
        fis''4-\fermata \break \bar "|"; d''8  cis''8  [b'8  a'8]  [g'8  )fis'8]  |
        % 8
        g'4  b'8  a'8  a'2  |
        % 9
        d''4 \noAB d''8  d''8 \AB d''4  cis''4  |
        % 10
        \bar "||";
} % Soprano

Alto = \notes{
        % midi copyright:
        % instrument:

        % Alto
         \skip 4..*12/7;  fis'4  |
        % 2
        fis'4  a'8  g'8  g'8  fis'8  fis'4  |
        % 3
        d'4  g'4  fis'4  fis'4  |
        % 4
        fis'4  g'8  fis'8  [fis'8  a'8]  [g'8  fis'8]  |
        % 5
        fis'4  e'4  \skip 4;  d'4 |
        % 4
        dis'4  [e'8  d'8]  e'4  [e'8  d'8] |
        % 5
        d'4(  )c'4  \skip 4;  fis'4  |
        % 6
        \noAB g'8  g'8  g'8  g'8 \AB fis'4  a'4  |
        % 7
        a'4  b'8  a'8  [g'8  fis'8]  [e'8  d'8]  |
        % 8
        e'4  g'8  fis'8  fis'2  |
        % 9
        fis'4 \noAB a'8  g'8 \AB fis'4  e'4  |
        % 10

} % Alto

Tenor = \notes{
        % midi copyright:
        % instrument:

        % Tenor
         \skip 4..*12/7;  a4  |
        % 2
        a4  d'4  d'4  d'4  |
        % 3
        b4  a4  a4 \bar "||"; a4  |
        % 4
        a4  a4  a4  b4  |
        % 5
        a2  r4 \break \bar "||";  a4  |
        % 4
        b4  [b8  a8]  a4  a4  |
        % 5
        a2  r4 \bar "||"; d'4  |
        % 6
        \noAB d'8  d'8  e'8  e'8 \AB a4  cis'4  |
        % 7
        d'4 \break \bar "|"; r2. | r1  |
        % 9
        a4 \noAB d'8  b8 \AB a4  a4  |
        % 10
        \bar "||";
} % Tenor

Bass = \notes{
        % midi copyright:
        % instrument:

        % Bass
         \skip 4..*12/7;  d4  |
        % 2
        d4  d4  d4  d4  |
        % 3
        g4  e4  d4  d4  |
        % 4
        d4  cis8  d8  d4  g8  gis8  |
        % 5
        a,2  \skip 4;  d4  |
        % 4
        a4  g8  fis8  cis4  d4  |
        % 5
        a,2  \skip 4;  d4  |
        % 6
        \noAB g8  g8  e8  e8 \AB d4  a4  |
        % 7
        d'4-\fermata  \skip 4*7;   |
        % 9
        d4 \noAB fis8  g8 \AB a4  a,4  |
        % 10

} % Bass

Stanza1 = \lyrics {
        \skip 2; "5."4
        "$^5$Your"4 mer -- cy, "\scshape{Lord}," ex -- tends to heav'n;
        Your faith -- ful -- ness, the sky.2.
        Your4 faith -- ful -- ness, the sky.2.
        "$^6$Your"4 jus8 -- tice is like mounts4 of God;
        Your judge -- ments depths de -- fy,2
        Your4 judge8 -- ments depths4 de -- fy.

Stanza2 = \lyrics {
        \skip 2; "6."4
        "\scshape{Lord},"4 you pre -- serve both man and beast.
        "$^7$How" pre -- cious, God, Your grace!2.
        "$^7$How"4 pre -- cious, God, Your grace!2.
        Be4 -- neath8 the sha -- dow of4 Your wings
        Men's sons their trust shall place,2
        Men's4 sons8 their trust4 shall place.

Stanza3 = \lyrics {
        \skip 2; "7."4
        "$^8$They"4 with the boun -- ty of Your house
        Shall be well sat -- is -- fied;2.
        Shall4 be well sat -- is -- fied;2.
        From4 riv8 -- ers full of Your4 de -- lights
        You do their drink pro -- vide,2
        You4 do8 their drink4 pro -- vide.2

Stanza4 = \lyrics {
        \skip 2; "8."4
        "$^9$Be"4 -- cause the foun -- tain filled with life
        Is on -- ly found with You;2.
        Is4 on -- ly found with You;2.
        And4 in8 that pur -- est light4 of Yours
        We clear -- ly light shall view,2
        We4 clear8 -- ly light4 shall view.

SopWords1 = \lyrics {
        \skip 1*2; \skip 2.;
        "Option 1"2
        \skip 1.;
        "Option 2"

\include "PsalmEnd.ly"

\score{ <
        \context Lyrics = "SW1" { \SopWords1 }
        \context Lyrics = "SW2" { \SopWords2 }
        \context Lyrics = "SW3" { \SopWords3 }
        \context Lyrics = "SW4" { \SopWords4 }
        \context Lyrics = "SW5" { \SopWords5 }
        \context Staff = Staff1 <
                \context Voice = "Descant" {
                        \property Voice.verticalDirection = "1"
                        \property Voice.fontSize = "-2"
                        \property Voice.noteheadStyle = "harmonic"
                \context Voice = "Soprano" {
                        \property Voice.verticalDirection = "1"
                \context Voice = "Alto" {
                        \property Voice.verticalDirection = "-1"
        \context Lyrics = "AW1" { \AltoWords1 }
        \context Lyrics = "AW2" { \AltoWords2 }
        \context Lyrics = "AW3" { \AltoWords3 }
        \context Lyrics = "AW4" { \AltoWords4 }
        \context Lyrics = "AW5" { \AltoWords5 }
        \context Lyrics = "Sz1" { \Stanza1 }
        \context Lyrics = "Sz2" { \Stanza2 }
        \context Lyrics = "Sz3" { \Stanza3 }
        \context Lyrics = "Sz4" { \Stanza4 }
        \context Lyrics = "Sz5" { \Stanza5 }
        \context Lyrics = "TW1" { \TenWords1 }
        \context Lyrics = "TW2" { \TenWords2 }
        \context Lyrics = "TW3" { \TenWords3 }
        \context Lyrics = "TW4" { \TenWords4 }
        \context Lyrics = "TW5" { \TenWords5 }
        \context Staff = Staff2 <
                \clef "bass";
                \context Voice = "Tenor" {
                        \property Voice.verticalDirection = "1"
                \context Voice = "Bass" {
                        \property Voice.verticalDirection = "-1"
        \context Lyrics = "BW1" { \BassWords1 }
        \context Lyrics = "BW2" { \BassWords2 }
        \context Lyrics = "BW3" { \BassWords3 }
        \context Lyrics = "BW4" { \BassWords4 }
        \context Lyrics = "BW5" { \BassWords5 }
        \paper {
                indent = 0.0;
%\include "paper11.ly"
%\include "paper13.ly"
%\include "paper16.ly"
%\include "paper26.ly"

trackX  = \notes{ }
Soprano = \notes{ }
Alto    = \notes{ }
Tenor   = \notes{ }
Bass    = \notes{ }
Descant = \notes{ }

Stanza1 = \lyrics { }
Stanza2 = \lyrics { }
Stanza3 = \lyrics { }
Stanza4 = \lyrics { }
Stanza5 = \lyrics { }

SopWords1  = \lyrics { }
SopWords2  = \lyrics { }
SopWords3  = \lyrics { }
SopWords4  = \lyrics { }
SopWords5  = \lyrics { }
AltoWords1 = \lyrics { }
AltoWords2 = \lyrics { }
AltoWords3 = \lyrics { }
AltoWords4 = \lyrics { }
AltoWords5 = \lyrics { }
TenWords1  = \lyrics { }
TenWords2  = \lyrics { }
TenWords3  = \lyrics { }
TenWords4  = \lyrics { }
TenWords5  = \lyrics { }
BassWords1 = \lyrics { }
BassWords2 = \lyrics { }
BassWords3 = \lyrics { }
BassWords4 = \lyrics { }
BassWords5 = \lyrics { }

noAB = \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = "1"
AB = \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = "0"

ThisPaper = \paper{
        indent = 0.0;
        linewidth = 7.27 \in;
        font_normal = 14.;
        arithmetic_basicspace = 1.05;
%       arithmetic_multiplier = 1 * \quartwidth;

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