> Hi all
> I have been experimenting with Lilypond over the past week or so and have a
> few questions.
>  - using ^"..." it is possible to place performance notes (for example, "DS
>    al coda") above a staff.  Is there any way of including feta symbols
>    in these strings *as well as* standard text.  For example, "DS al XX"
>    where XX is the coda symbol from the feta font.  Doing ^"DS al "\coda
>    simply stacks the symbol and string, whereas I want it inline.

Yes, the vertical alignment of some feta symbols is wrong if you 
want to include them in text, since the vertical reference point
is set to simplify their use within the music. It's always possible
to fix this using \raisebox or similar commands. I don't really see
how to solve this in a general way.

>  - it would be useful to be able to right align text to the end of a bar
>    (or a note for that matter).  For example, "DS al Fine" and "Fine"
>    performance notes are conventionally right-aligned with the end of the
>    bar they are printed over, but I can't seem to find a way to do this
>    currently.  Right aligning against notes can be done using \makebox
>    commmands in conjunction with the Staff.textEmptyDimension property; 
>    perhaps right aligning with the end of a bar could be done by creating 
>    an "anchor note" which isn't printed nor does it count in the bar timings
>    (as "s" spaces do) but which can have text attached to it in the same way 
>    as standard notes.

In the TODO list there ideas of introducing general support for 
scripts attached to bar lines and to reintroduce an alignment
property for lyrics and scripts. With those two features it would
be easy to achieve what you want.

>  - is there any plans to support drum notation?  Conceptually this should
>    not be difficult as support for the different noteheads is already
>    present.  Probably the only necessary addition would be inclusion of a
>    drum notation "clef" in the feta font which typically consists of two
>    thick "bar lines" extending over the middle 3 staff lines, and maybe
>    a symbol for the "|//|" symbol seen in the first example below to
>    indicate the repetition of the previous N bars.  See
>      http://tinny.eis.net.au/~bobpeele/charts.html <Very clear>
>      http://www.m-base.com/drums.html
>    for examples of drum notation.

The clef symbols and the extra notehead versions shown in these
examples are easy to add. A repetition symbol for one bar is
already available but the syntax will change as soon as I get
some spare time. I hope to get my Ph.D. in january so it should
happen any millenium. The current syntax is not documented but
you could look at the example in 
if you want to use it already now.

Somewhere, I've seen a drum notation where different note shapes
(crosses and romboids) are used instead of filled and unfilled
note heads to show the duration. Is this common? 
Another problem in Lilypond today when the \RhythmicStaffContext
is used to get a single staff line is that the whole note rest
is placed above the staff line, not hanging from the line.


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