Hi guys,

1.3 is out.  It has big architectural changes: GUILE integration is
taken to new heights: You can now enter arbitrary Scheme in mudela
directly, eg:

          \property Score.property = #(some-weird-Scheme-expressoin 1
          2 3 '(foo bar))

>From now on, \properties are also typed; they are Scheme values. This
means that some constructs no longer work. For example

      \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = "1"  % old

doesn't work any longer, because the type of textEmptyDimension should
be boolean. The boolean `true' in Scheme is denoted by #t, so you get

   \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = ##t

(note the two #s).

Oh, BTW, GUILE 1.3.4 is needed for running LilyPond 1.3.x

I'll also try to make a release that collates all small bugfixes this


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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