On Wednesday, 27 October 1999, Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu writes:

> I downloaded and compiled 1.3.0.
> First problem:
> compiling midi2ly gets a "moment.hh: no such file ..." in midi-parser.hh

Yep, fixed in .1

> I don't need midi2ly so I tried "make -i" and "make -i install".
> Lilypond has been installed but I'm not able to compile my LaTeX+mudela
> document (that works well with 1.1.61) with mudela-book. I attached the
> console output.

Good.  Ly2dvi failed on 1054536216.ly (probably in Documentation/user/

> Hope this bug reports could be helpful. For the moment I'll re-install
> 1.1.61! :-)

Well, now that you ask: it would have been handier had you just included
that file...  Also, you managed to cut off make's information of what
direcory was being processed: from the top, as well as from the bottom,
so I don't know what directory failed.

Does lily fail if you try to process that file by hand?  If the file 
contains lyrics with underscores, that's fixed in .1 too.  Otherwise,
pleas include the .ly


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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